
Working From Home Expectations

If pupils are not in school, we expect them to follow all of the rules set out below. Parents should also read the rules and ensure their child follows them.

what we expect from all students

• Be contactable during required times – we will consider that pupils may not always be in front of a device the entire time

• Attend and take part in Live Conference lessons

• Complete work to the deadline set by teachers

• Seek help if they need it, from teachers or learning support assistants

• Alert teachers if they’re not able to complete work

• Use proper online conduct, such as using appropriate language in messages

appropriate contact

If interacting with other pupils or staff online, students should always be kind and respectful to each other and respectful and compliant to staff, remembering at all times that that staff are not ‘friends’ with, or peers to, pupils.


Students should never attempt to contact staff via social media or make comments about staff on social media platforms. Any inappropriate comments to staff online or any other platform will be taken very seriously.


This is also the case for any cyberbullying towards other students or peer-on-peer abuse that is disclosed to the school during this time.

how to contact us

Parents should contact Sophia Martin – Vice Principal Behaviour and Safety, if they think their child might not be able to comply with some or all of the rules, so we can consider alternative arrangements with them.

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