Raising Standards at Global Academy

Global Academy’s “Raising Standards” initiative prepares students for enduring success in the creative industry, emphasising high standards, tailored training, parental engagement, mentorship, and data-driven improvements.

The Raising Standard Programme and Curriculum initiatives implemented by Global Academy prepare students for long-lasting careers in the creative industry.

The programme has clear intentions, including setting high expectations for both staff and students, fostering a culture of collaboration and support, improving leadership consistency, promoting student responsibility in learning, and enhancing overall teaching and learning throughout the academy.

The implementation strategies include parent workshops aimed at preparing students for GCSE examinations and fostering parental engagement, as research suggests that such engagement significantly boosts student progress. Small groups of parents will meet periodically with the Responsible for Student Learning (RSL) to ensure confidence in supporting their children leading up to exams.

The academy, with a majority of high-attaining students in media, has a targeted approach for higher-attainers. This involves identifying and supporting them through a systematic approach, ensuring consistently high expectations, providing challenging coursework, coordinating enrichment opportunities, establishing links with external agencies, conducting systematic data analysis, and implementing mentoring programs.

Peer mentoring is approached from both pastoral and academic perspectives. Y10 pastoral mentoring starts early based on GL assessment data, and Y13 trained mentors support Y11 students leading up to their GCSE exams. Y11 Boys group pastoral mentoring is also conducted during form time.

Data analysis is a key component of the program, involving GL assessment tasks for Y10 students, individual meetings with subject leads for skills progression, continuous analysis after each data collection point, and the identification of lead measures to reach academic goals. The RSL plays a crucial role in analyzing data after each collection point and supporting subject leads in identifying lead measures.

The programme outlined in the article is highly relevant for the broadcast and media industry for several reasons:

1. High Standards and Expectations:
– The programme emphasises setting high standards and expectations for students, which is crucial in an industry that demands excellence. This prepares students for the rigorous and competitive nature of the broadcast and media sector.

2. Media-Specific Training:
– As a specialist Media school and sixth form, the programme tailors its curriculum to meet the needs of students pursuing careers in the media industry. This ensures that graduates have a solid foundation and relevant skills for success in broadcast and media roles.

3. Parental Engagement:
– The emphasis on parent engagement is significant as it recognises the importance of support from family, which is often crucial in creative industries. Understanding and support from parents can be instrumental in helping students navigate the challenges and opportunities in the broadcast and media field.

4. Mentorship Programmes:
– The inclusion of peer mentoring programmes, both academic and pastoral, is valuable for students entering the broadcast and media industry. Mentorship provides practical insights, guidance, and support, which can be particularly beneficial in a field where networking and industry knowledge are essential.

5. Data Analysis for Improvement:
– The programme’s focus on data analysis is relevant for the broadcast and media industry, where staying current with trends and understanding data is critical. Data analysis helps educators tailor the curriculum to evolving industry needs, ensuring that students are equipped with relevant skills and knowledge.

6. Independent Learning and Industry Ethos:
– The establishment of an ethos of independent learning aligns with the demands of the broadcast and media industry, where individuals often need to take initiative. Fostering this ethos prepares students for a career where continuous learning and adaptability are key.

7. Enrichment Opportunities and External Links:
– Coordinating enrichment opportunities and establishing links with external agencies are essential for providing students with real-world experiences and industry connections. This exposure is invaluable in the broadcast and media industry, where practical skills and networking play a crucial role in career development.

In summary, the programme’s focus on high standards, media-specific training, parental engagement, mentorship, data analysis, independent learning, and industry connections makes it particularly relevant for preparing students for successful and lasting careers in the broadcast and media industry.

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