GCSE Pathway

Curriculum Outline: English GCSE

About the Course 

English, as a core subject, is at the heart of learning and student development to kickstart their career in media.

Students with a secure grounding in reading, writing and speaking and listening are able to access other important subjects in the curriculum as well as be prepared for long lasting careers in the creative industry and beyond. With a secure understanding and the ability to perform in this subject, they are able to communicate and use a variety of appropriate forms to express their ideas and opinions within the industry and beyoind. We aim to foster a critical appreciation of literature and the media where students examine the relationship between language and learning through studies in cultural heritage, textual analysis, critical understanding, genre and literature appreciation.

The English GCSE curriculum provides basic and more developed skills that students need in order to succeed in the creative industry and beyond – as real world, as independent, resourceful and questioning citizens.


What I will study / do during the course? 

A curriculum plan is in place that teaches beyond what is simply required by the exams. Both the Language and Literature curriculums are built around a process of interleaving topics and self-testing. To reflect the linear exam courses material is studied on an ongoing cycle with a focus on testing and re-testing to aid the development of long-term memory and mastery of both the skills and knowledge required for long lasting careers in the creative industry and beyond.

This curriculum structure aims to: improve student retention of knowledge, build student confidence ahead of assessments and give a clear and consistent routine to lessons.

The Language curriculum is built around a thematic approach that allows for purposeful and supportive links to be made between this and the content and context studied through Literature.

The study of English Literature is ultimately the study of human experience and human society through poetry, prose and drama. Students are required to evaluate their own and others’ reflections on the human experience, as well as to develop precise critical and analytical skills. They consider aspects of language such as style, tone, and intention, as well as the social, political, and cultural contexts in which the texts were written and are received. A sensitive and informed personal response is also required and is encouraged through class and group discussions.

Students are offered a wide variety of opportunities and experiences that enrich their understanding of the world around them and how they are connected to it.



What qualification will I get? 

GCSE AQA English Language and Literature


What partners are involved in the course? 

We work with a variety of industry partners to bring learning to life – this includes theatre companies,  Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge and more.


Where could this course take me? 

Employment – Journalism, Script writing, creative writing, social media management

Destinations – English study at university, poetry and creative writing competitions, etc


Scheme of Work

KS4 Year Plan and Assessment Journey



Course Resources and Downloads

KS4 English Learning Journey

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